- N/A
• Addition of the wrist watch (Ultra Corps)
• Retake photo with proper light
• This is the very first version from 1991
• Red diving vest has been replaced with a neoprene version (much more time-resistant)
• Is it with original vintage box repro ?
• Green shirt / grey gatling gun edition
• Beige shirt / Blue gatling gun edition
• Addition of the black T-Shirt + AR15 / switched the ID dog-tags plates to AM black ones (from Operations Kit)
• Original boots are tucked inside the box
• Addition of the vest (from jungle GI Joe kit), the binoculars and the scope rifle
• Addition of knife sheath brown strap and the ammo case
• Beige shirt version with grey portable gatling gun
• Addition of grey/black missiles / helmet
• The big handgun is added as well as the dynamites and the flashlight hung on the harness.
• Check if harness is still in good shape and not crispy / damaged