• Addition of the Squid from "Ocean Monster" kit (2001) and the "Swimmer Set" (1995)
• Separate the squid in a solo plastic bag to prevent paint leaks on the swimsuit !!!
• Bonus to Desert Buggy vehicle.
• 1994 as GI Joe / 1998 as Action Man
Addition of the weapon and leg belt from the 2000 version
• Addition of the "Ninja Set" kit
• Addition of the Ninja Set (1997) kit weapons + a black belt.
• Addition of one arrow and the double-bladed weapon that comes from kit.
• Is the concealed spring-loaded forearm dagger present ?
• Addition of the ski mask, the forearm black guard (Ninja Kick figure) and one spare matte gold sword.
Addition of the snake around the neck and the knife in the boot
2002 : year of the kit's release
• From the 2002 Total mission kit (tank top + shorts)
• Addition of the sand goggles, harness & belt and adding the gun that is pictured on the carded illustration of the kit.
• Addition of the snake, the ID metal dog-tags, the belt and belt accessories/weapons.
• Swap to normal dog tags ?