• Missing 1x orange missile
• Addition of belt, holster and black pistol.
• Additional dinosaurs are not original, they come from another brand (Schleich)
Frogman suit has been replaced with a more resistant full neoprene version
• Weapon comes from the kit and not the action figure (black color instead of dark grey)
• Put the official dark grey weapon
• From G.I. Joe "Double Duty" series. Replaced the original body with an AM one
• Addition of palms and knife from "Aqua Mission" (2002) and watch from 1994's "Scuba Diver"
SPAS shotgun is added as well as the wrist watch and glasses
• Addition of one arrow and the double-bladed weapon that comes from kit.
• Is the concealed spring-loaded forearm dagger present ?
Addition of the snake around the neck and the knife in the boot