•Added accessories. Body has normally bare hands not gloved ones : Body and shotgun from "Sandboarder Extreme"
• It's a mix of the Driver Pilote (2002) (without helmet) + the complete speedster spy kit (1999)
• Put he original helmet (in hand). Helmet must be found
• Added the sling for the gun
• Misses 1 side gun and 2 (or one?) red missile(s).
• Addition of the Black V-neck T-Shirt and shoes (like the vehicle box art)
• Gun is black instead of silver (like the vehicle box art)
• The jeans are not original but from "X-Catcher" figure
• Valor VS Venom collection. Addition of a machine gun and a denim jeans sleeveless vest, the harness is missing ( given to Duke Nukem )
• Trousers comes from Action Man vs X
• Swapped with an Action Man figure / Added the belt and binoculars of "Desert Patrol"
• Addition of the black T-Shirt + AR15 / switched the ID dog-tags plates to AM black ones (from Operations Kit)
• Original boots are tucked inside the box
• My original "Battle Force" figure with the Green Beret kit sheath, "Jungle Patrol" vest, "Underwater Attack" mask
• Misses 1 silver grey machine gun (there is one the combat kit and another in basic training kit)
• It's a variant of an AM kit (SWAT Police, 1994) but made earlier for G.I. Joe (1993)
• Are the trousers the GI Joe version ?
• Addition of the belt, holster, side pistol and leg knife