• Tiger Strike clothes + figure (2005)
• Wrist Torch accessories (1999)
• GI Joe Beachhead gun+hat
• Addition of belt, holster and black pistol.
• + 1993 Hasbro Promo G.I. JOE HALL OF FAME INFANTRY OUTFIT (v1)
• Addition of the spy case-to-concealed-gun accessory. Not sure if the glasses are the right one (gold instead of silver ?)
• This is the very first version from 1991
• Additional dinosaurs are not original, they come from another brand (Schleich)
• Addition of the black T-Shirt + AR15 / switched the ID dog-tags plates to AM black ones (from Operations Kit)
• Original boots are tucked inside the box
• Addition of knife sheath brown strap and the ammo case
• Weaponry swap / Adding the black cap / Has only binoculars and compass (from the 1994 Outdoor Survival Kit) and a map, in backpack.
• This is my childhood original figure.
• Addition of the vest (from jungle GI Joe kit), the binoculars and the scope rifle
+ S.O.S. Kit (1998).
+ Medic Rescue Kit (1996 as AM, 1995 as GI Joe).
• Misses the machine gun of original kit --> Need to equip
• Green shirt / grey gatling gun edition
• Beige shirt / Blue gatling gun edition
• Beige shirt version with grey portable gatling gun
• Addition of the submachine gun, other handcuffs, blue gun and leg holster, map, sunglasses.
• Black leak on bulletproof vest, must be cleaned.
🇫🇷 Section d'élite / Not the right type of boots but there are present / Black shotgun is added.
• Changed the black sneakers for boots, added the chopped shotgun, the FN P90 and the handgun+holster
• And holsters and 2x grenades
• Original boots (black, short) not pictured but included in storage with the figure.
• Combined the figure + the kit and added grenades and pistol + leg holster / removed the black P90 gun of the figure
Addition of the snake around the neck and the knife in the boot
Inspired by original GI Joe climbing claw figure (The Adventures of GI Joe 2010 series)
• Addition of the beret
• Addition of the elbow pads / watch / hammer and axe / periscope / Green beret