• Adding the belt, the gun shoulder strap, the wrench.
🔵 Custom kitbash , 🔵 G.I. Joe , 🟠 Kit , 🟣 2000 , 🟢 Military , 🟡 Loose
• Trousers comes from Action Man vs X
🔵 G.I. Joe , 🟠 Figure , 🟣 2002 , 🟢 Spec Ops , 🟡 Boxed
• Head was swapped to an AM sculpt with camo on.
• Addition of the Black V-neck T-Shirt and shoes (like the vehicle box art)
• Gun is black instead of silver (like the vehicle box art)
• The jeans are not original but from "X-Catcher" figure
🔵 Custom kitbash , 🔵 G.I. Joe , 🟠 Figure , 🟣 2002 , 🟢 Military , 🟡 Loose
• Swapped with an Action Man figure / Added the belt and binoculars of "Desert Patrol"
• Not sure about the release year, 1999 or 2000 ? The gun in the right hand of the figure is added from a World's Peacekeeper Space figure.
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