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• Addition of the Squid from "Ocean Monster" kit (2001) and the "Swimmer Set" (1995)
• Separate the squid in a solo plastic bag to prevent paint leaks on the swimsuit !!!
• Addition of belt, holster and black pistol.
• One spare dart is added
• Full truck with motorcycle hook and all accessories
• Additional dinosaurs are not original, they come from another brand (Schleich)
• Broken backpack antenna
• Addition of the black T-Shirt + AR15 / switched the ID dog-tags plates to AM black ones (from Operations Kit)
• Original boots are tucked inside the box
Arctic Surf Bike + Polar Extreme Kit kitbash (snowshoes from "Ice Mission" kit instead of original climbing-irons)
• Total Mission clothes (2003) + Arctic Mission (2001) (in bag) + Polar Mission Kit (2001) (in bag)
Addition of the belt and holster with ice pick
• My childhood original
Bonus figure of "Street Biker"
• Addition of the orange belt + pistol + big weapon Driller Kit (+ flask ? + knife ?)
• Addition of orange goggles and hat.