• Tiger Strike clothes + figure (2005)
• Wrist Torch accessories (1999)
• GI Joe Beachhead gun+hat
• Missing 1x orange missile
• Addition of the face mask, silver shred disk, Action Man "Mission System" MS 1.1 + MS 1.8 kit + white helmet +Sling, holster and kaki pistol. Only 1 red disk came in the retail version.
•Added accessories. Body has normally bare hands not gloved ones : Body and shotgun from "Sandboarder Extreme"
• Addition of belt, holster and black pistol.
• One spare dart is added
• Addition of the spy case-to-concealed-gun accessory. Not sure if the glasses are the right one (gold instead of silver ?)
• Headband is not original
• Misses the sword and specific nunchaku
• Bonus figure to Amazon Tracker (x-missions versions)
• Foot has been glued back into place
• M60 and SMG have been added
• Addition of the Black V-neck T-Shirt and shoes (like the vehicle box art)
• Gun is black instead of silver (like the vehicle box art)
• The jeans are not original but from "X-Catcher" figure
• Addition of the face mask (from Ice Raider kit)
• Red boots instead of black ( black are with figure in storage )
• Red diving vest has been replaced with a neoprene version (much more time-resistant)
• Addition of P90 sub-machine gun + sling backpack and black secondary weapons on the belt (were purposedly missing on original retail figure, it's really a shame !)
• Additional dinosaurs are not original, they come from another brand (Schleich)
• Hasn't got the original grappling / Addition of knife and machine gun
• Addition of the glasses (Barbie / Ken) + knee pads
• Weapon comes from the kit and not the action figure (black color instead of dark grey)
• Put the official dark grey weapon
• The big handgun is added as well as the dynamites and the flashlight hung on the harness.
• Replaced the harpoon with a blue one and completed with Swimmer Kit (1995) and knife from Lanard brand / Palms are from Mattel's KEN kit
• My childhood original
Addition of the weapon and leg belt from the 2000 version
• Addition of palms and knife from "Aqua Mission" (2002) and watch from 1994's "Scuba Diver"
From Samurai vs Robot Dr. X. Added the red gun
Addition of the belt and holster with ice pick
• Addition of ski mask / backpack and dynamites + detonator / white glove (from Astronaut kit)
• There's a spare vest with undamaged logo inserted inside the box.
Addition of the Squid from "Ocean Monster" kit (2001) and the "Swimmer Set" (1995)
• Addition of : the gauntlets + long silver & black vest / forearm decoration from Dr.X v1 + Pistol + leg holster + brush for the ponytail + Cobra silver knife
• Changed the black sneakers for boots, added the chopped shotgun, the FN P90 and the handgun+holster
SPAS shotgun is added as well as the wrist watch and glasses
Added knife+sheath
• Addition of the submachine gun, other handcuffs, blue gun and leg holster, map, sunglasses.
• Black leak on bulletproof vest, must be cleaned.
🇫🇷 Section d'élite / Not the right type of boots but there are present / Black shotgun is added.
• And holsters and 2x grenades
• Original boots (black, short) not pictured but included in storage with the figure.
• Addition of the Ninja Set (1997) kit weapons + a black belt.
• Addition of the "Ninja Set" kit
• Addition of the black belt and sheath
• Addition of the ski mask, the forearm black guard (Ninja Kick figure) and one spare matte gold sword.
• Addition of one arrow and the double-bladed weapon that comes from kit.
• Is the concealed spring-loaded forearm dagger present ?
• Addition of 2 silver grey grenades
Addition of the snake around the neck and the knife in the boot
• Combined the figure + the kit and added grenades and pistol + leg holster / removed the black P90 gun of the figure
• Addition of the orange belt + pistol + big weapon Driller Kit (+ flask ? + knife ?)
• Addition of orange goggles and hat.