• It's a mix of the Driver Pilote (2002) (without helmet) + the complete speedster spy kit (1999)
• Put he original helmet (in hand). Helmet must be found
• Armor and red belt from "Tokyo Kit" (2001).
• "Tokyo Mission" accessories (2001)
• Weapon needs to be replaced with GI Joe Operation Shadow Ops black/red scope rifle
• Wrong pistol (?) / misses megaphone
• + complete Urban Swat G.I. Joe kit
• Needs the AM rounded logo on the shoulder
• The 2 big grey World's Peacekeeper weapons need to be added.
• Gloves are removed. Where are they ?
• Needs the red gauntlets on forearms to make the ninja look more complete.
Loosely based on G.I. Joe Adventures of 2010 "Operation Silent Strike" (only for the body armour and helmet)
He can transform into a ghetto street goon in a blast(er)