🔵 Custom kitbash, 🟠 Figure, 🟠 Kit, 🟢 Sea / Navy / Underwater, 🟡 Loose
GI Joe Wet Suit NAVY SEAL.
• Add dark blue gloves (fabric)
🔵 Custom kitbash, 🟠 Figure, 🟢 Undercover agents / Spies, 🟡 Loose
• The harness is a copy of the blue model "Night Creeper" wears but DIY-made with FIMO-leather.
🔵 Custom kitbash, 🔵 Lanard Ultra Corps, 🟠 Figure, 🟢 Undercover agents / Spies, 🟡 Loose
• With AM body and belt-holster with gun
🔵 Custom kitbash, 🔵 G.I. Joe, 🔵 Lanard Ultra Corps, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Undercover agents / Spies, 🟡 Loose
• Jumpsuit is not original and comes from Lanard Ultra Corps (as well as boots)
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