• #1 Missing the black dog-tags
GI JOE Hall of Fame Mission Gear
GI Joe Double Duty. Addition of the binoculars, removal of the ice pick, the body strap, the face mask.
GI Joe Timeless Collection
• Boots + trousers + shoulder bag come from Beachhead GI Joe 2008 https://www.yojoe.com/12inch/08/beachhead.shtml
From GI Joe Adventures kit (2002) / Trousers from Beachhead 2002 https://www.yojoe.com/12inch/02/beachhead.shtml / Boots + ski mask from Action Man Sand Boarder Extreme (2001) / Vest from Arctic Adventure Set (1998)
• It's a variant of an AM kit (SWAT Police, 1994) but made earlier for G.I. Joe (1993)
• Are the trousers the GI Joe version ?
• Addition of the belt, holster, side pistol and leg knife
2002 : year of the kit's release
Adding the wrist watch / water container / the belt / swapped for brown boots instead of black ones