Inspired by Hasbro GI JOE Classic Collection Series 12" Tall Soldier Figure - SSN-22 SEAWOLF USS CONNECTICUT CREWMAN
• Needs to be equipped with the orange (spare) lifebuoy and rope.
• The mask rubber band needs to be replaced.
GI Joe Wet Suit NAVY SEAL.
• Add dark blue gloves (fabric)
GI JOE Hall of Fame Mission Gear
Frogman suit has been replaced with a more resistant full neoprene version
• Without the jetski, figure only.
• The jumpsuit is not black but from a VAM figure
• OG black jumpsuit is stored with the figure
• Addition of the orange belt + pistol + big weapon Driller Kit (+ flask ? + knife ?)
• Addition of orange goggles and hat.
• Addition of the beige belt and harness + ammo belt + brown M60
• On a World's Peacekeeper body
• Original green accented machine gun swapped for an orange one.
• Golden boxing gloves stored in separate bags to avoid air contact
• Addition of the spy case-to-concealed-gun accessory. Not sure if the glasses are the right one (gold instead of silver ?)
• 2x Harpoons are added + fishnet black shoulder bag
• This is the very first version from 1991
• All the missiles + 1x spare
• Adding the belt, the gun shoulder strap, the wrench.
• Original blue missile is sticked under the box top lid
• Bonus to Desert Buggy vehicle.
• Addition of the sand goggles, harness & belt and adding the gun that is pictured on the carded illustration of the kit.
• Addition of palms and knife from "Aqua Mission" (2002) and watch from 1994's "Scuba Diver"
• Inspired by the 2003 "GI Joe Spy Troops" "Shipwreck V1" figure. https://www.yojoe.com/12inch/03/shipwreck.shtml
Initially released as GI Joe HOF kit in 1995.
• Addition of the gloves and the harpoon
• Hasn't got the original grappling / Addition of knife and machine gun
• Addition of the knife, belt, wrist watch, shoulder sling instead of leg velcro for the Luger holster.
• sleeveless vest is an addition from Action Man kit
• Released with a painted and unpainted (fluo pink-orange) O² tank carrying vest. 2 versions in box.
• Replaced the harpoon with a blue one and completed with Swimmer Kit (1995) and knife from Lanard brand / Palms are from Mattel's KEN kit
• Added the bag and 2x black hand grenades. Originally released in 1994 as GI Joe HOF.
• Addition of the stick / Initially released as GI Joe HOF in 1993
Initially released as GI Joe HOF Kit. Missing the 2x black hand grenades ?
• Combined the figure + the kit and added grenades and pistol + leg holster / removed the black P90 gun of the figure