GI JOE Hall of Fame Mission Gear
GI Joe Hall of Fame Mission Gear
• Concealed dagger is added (from Crimson Warrior)
• Second (spare) unit of 2-parts "stick-to-nunchakus" weapon
• Are the trousers the right one ? Here it's the same as Airport Police kit, maybe it's the Samouraï from 1995.
• Addition of the shirt from "Total Mission" kit (1997)
• Golden boxing gloves stored in separate bags to avoid air contact
• All the missiles + 1x spare
• Addition of the nunchaku and the 2x Snake Eyes shin guards.
• Addition of the Ninja Set (1997) kit weapons + a black belt.
• Addition of the ski mask, the forearm black guard (Ninja Kick figure) and one spare matte gold sword.
• Addition of 2 silver grey grenades
• Red Ninja mission gear kit from G.I. Joe Hall of Fame. Addition of forearm and shin protections + dagger and sheath + shoes + grappling and launcher are swapped for green instead of original orange (to match the mask's window color)
• Addition of palms and knife from "Aqua Mission" (2002) and watch from 1994's "Scuba Diver"
GI Joe Double Duty. Addition of the binoculars, removal of the ice pick, the body strap, the face mask.
• Total Mission clothes (2003) + Arctic Mission (2001) (in bag) + Polar Mission Kit (2001) (in bag)
Arctic Surf Bike + Polar Extreme Kit kitbash (snowshoes from "Ice Mission" kit instead of original climbing-irons)
• Addition of the ice pick + sniper grey rifle + 3x black hand grenades + Lanard yellow knife + Roller knee pads + Mission extreme yellow rope
• Boots + trousers + shoulder bag come from Beachhead GI Joe 2008 https://www.yojoe.com/12inch/08/beachhead.shtml
Addition of many elements
From GI Joe Adventures kit (2002) / Trousers from Beachhead 2002 https://www.yojoe.com/12inch/02/beachhead.shtml / Boots + ski mask from Action Man Sand Boarder Extreme (2001) / Vest from Arctic Adventure Set (1998)
• Replaced the harpoon with a blue one and completed with Swimmer Kit (1995) and knife from Lanard brand / Palms are from Mattel's KEN kit
• Added the bag and 2x black hand grenades. Originally released in 1994 as GI Joe HOF.
• Addition of the stick / Initially released as GI Joe HOF in 1993
Initially released as GI Joe HOF Kit. Missing the 2x black hand grenades ?