Addition of the belt and holster with ice pick
• The figure came boxed with the red edition of the 4x4 car
• Not the original silver Colt gun but it is as close as the retail version.
• Changed the black sneakers for boots, added the chopped shotgun, the FN P90 and the handgun+holster
• My childhood original
• This is the very first version from 1991
• Mainly from the G.I. JOE SPY MISSION (v1) kit (without the helmet that has been equipped to this figure : https://www.action-man.eu/cobra-copter-attack/ ).
• sleeveless vest is an addition from Action Man kit
SPAS shotgun is added as well as the wrist watch and glasses
From Samurai vs Robot Dr. X. Added the red gun
• Addition of : the gauntlets + long silver & black vest / forearm decoration from Dr.X v1 + Pistol + leg holster + brush for the ponytail + Cobra silver knife
Bonus figure of "Street Biker"
Added knife+sheath
Added the handgun holster / the walkie-talkie / the bulletproof vest