• + 1993 Hasbro Promo G.I. JOE HALL OF FAME INFANTRY OUTFIT (v1)
• This is the very first version from 1991
• Addition of the Green Beret Kit (released as AM in 1996 and in 1993 as GI Joe)
• Addition of the GI Joe stand
• Addition of the black T-Shirt + AR15 / switched the ID dog-tags plates to AM black ones (from Operations Kit)
• Original boots are tucked inside the box
+ S.O.S. Kit (1998).
+ Medic Rescue Kit (1996 as AM, 1995 as GI Joe).
• Misses the machine gun of original kit --> Need to equip
• The missile of the rocket launcher is missing.
• Swapped with a Duke camo HOF figure
• Addition of the vest (from jungle GI Joe kit), the binoculars and the scope rifle
• Is it with original vintage box repro ?
• Beige shirt version with grey portable gatling gun
• Addition of one arrow and the double-bladed weapon that comes from kit.
• Is the concealed spring-loaded forearm dagger present ?
• Addition of 2 silver grey grenades
• Check if harness is still in good shape and not crispy / damaged