•Added accessories. Body has normally bare hands not gloved ones : Body and shotgun from "Sandboarder Extreme"
• Addition of the wrist watch (Ultra Corps)
• Retake photo with proper light
• Bonus figure to "Gyro Copter"
• Without the X-Robot
• Valor VS Venom collection. Addition of a machine gun and a denim jeans sleeveless vest, the harness is missing ( given to Duke Nukem )
• My childhood original
Addition of the belt and holster with ice pick
• Addition of : the gauntlets + long silver & black vest / forearm decoration from Dr.X v1 + Pistol + leg holster + brush for the ponytail + Cobra silver knife
Bonus figure of "Street Biker"
SPAS shotgun is added as well as the wrist watch and glasses
• Addition of 2 silver grey grenades
• Addition of the black belt and sheath