• Golden boxing gloves stored in separate bags to avoid air contact
• Grunt action figure + Red Beret weapon kit from 1993
• Addition of the Ninja Set (1997) kit weapons + a black belt.
• Check is harness is still in good shape and not crispy / damaged
• Addition of the grey gauntlet and knife
• Addition of knife sheath brown strap and the ammo case
• Addition of grey/black missiles / helmet
• sleeveless vest is an addition from Action Man kit
• Addition of the ice pick + sniper grey rifle + 3x black hand grenades + Lanard yellow knife + Roller knee pads + Mission extreme yellow rope
• Addition of the "Ninja Set" kit
• Is it with original vintage box repro ?
• Addition of : the gauntlets + long silver & black vest / forearm decoration from Dr.X v1 + Pistol + leg holster + brush for the ponytail + Cobra silver knife
• Addition of a custom sewed bathrobe / Body with (eye of the) tiger tatoo comes from Operation T.I.G.E.R.