• Addition of the orange belt + pistol + big weapon Driller Kit (+ flask ? + knife ?)
• Addition of orange goggles and hat.
• From the 1995 Mattel Ken accessory set / Power Team Elite body
• Addition of the spy case-to-concealed-gun accessory. Not sure if the glasses are the right one (gold instead of silver ?)
• Bonus to Desert Buggy vehicle.
• Addition of a long custom sewed "Matrix-style" black vest
• sleeveless vest is an addition from Action Man kit
• Addition of the goggles, the beret, the grappling hook and the 2 succion cups from Night Creeper
GI Joe Timeless Collection
• Addition of accessories (plastic harness, dog tags, beret, knife+sheath, etc)
• Combined the figure + the kit and added grenades and pistol + leg holster / removed the black P90 gun of the figure