• Misses 1 side gun and 2 (or one?) red missile(s).
• Not the original talking figure
• The electronic gauntlet is grey (V.R. Warrior) and not black
• Short black boots model is different
• Addition of the light grey P90 (Extreme Biker) and the beret
+ S.O.S. Kit (1998).
+ Medic Rescue Kit (1996 as AM, 1995 as GI Joe).
• Misses the machine gun of original kit --> Need to equip
• The missile of the rocket launcher is missing.
• Swapped with a Duke camo HOF figure
• My childhood original
• Mainly from the G.I. JOE SPY MISSION (v1) kit (without the helmet that has been equipped to this figure : https://www.action-man.eu/cobra-copter-attack/ ).
Addition of the belt and holster with ice pick
Addition of the Squid from "Ocean Monster" kit (2001) and the "Swimmer Set" (1995)
• Addition of the snake, the ID metal dog-tags, the belt and belt accessories/weapons.
• Swap to normal dog tags ?