• Addition of the shirt from "Total Mission" kit (1997)
• Addition of the orange belt + pistol + big weapon Driller Kit (+ flask ? + knife ?)
• Addition of orange goggles and hat.
• Bonus to Desert Buggy vehicle.
• Head was swapped to an AM sculpt with camo on.
GI Joe Double Duty. Addition of the binoculars, removal of the ice pick, the body strap, the face mask.
• Addition of a long custom sewed "Matrix-style" black vest
• sleeveless vest is an addition from Action Man kit
GI Joe Timeless Collection
Arctic Surf Bike + Polar Extreme Kit kitbash (snowshoes from "Ice Mission" kit instead of original climbing-irons)
• Jumpsuit is not original and comes from Lanard Ultra Corps (as well as boots)
• From G.I. Joe "Double Duty" series. Replaced the original body with an AM one