• The mask rubber band has been replaced.
• Addition of the wrist watch (Ultra Corps)
• Retake photo with proper light
GI JOE Hall of Fame Mission Gear
• Without the jetski, figure only.
• Bonus figure to "Gyro Copter"
• Hasn't got the original grappling / Addition of knife and machine gun
• Red diving vest has been replaced with a neoprene version (much more time-resistant)
• From G.I. Joe "Double Duty" series. Replaced the original body with an AM one
• Not sure about the release year, 1999 or 2000 ? The gun in the right hand of the figure is added from a World's Peacekeeper Space figure.
• Replaced the harpoon with a blue one and completed with Swimmer Kit (1995) and knife from Lanard brand / Palms are from Mattel's KEN kit
Initially released as GI Joe HOF kit in 1995.
• Addition of the gloves and the harpoon
• Addition of palms and knife from "Aqua Mission" (2002) and watch from 1994's "Scuba Diver"