• Addition of the sniper rifle, the map. Display stand (1996)
• Grunt action figure + Red Beret weapon kit from 1993
• Addition of the bag + rifle + accessories (sleeping bag, etc).
• Removal of the original scope rifle (in favor of Sport Extreme climber)
• Valor VS Venom collection. Addition of a machine gun and a denim jeans sleeveless vest, the harness is missing ( given to Duke Nukem )
+ S.O.S. Kit (1998).
+ Medic Rescue Kit (1996 as AM, 1995 as GI Joe). Misses the machine gun of original kit
• Beige shirt version with grey portable gatling gun
• Addition of the vest (from jungle GI Joe kit), the binoculars and the scope rifle
SPAS shotgun is added as well as the wrist watch and glasses
• Beige shirt / Blue gatling gun edition
• Green shirt / grey gatling gun edition
• Is it with original vintage box repro ?
Unofficial boots and added accessories. Body has normally bare hands not gloved ones.