• Addition of black trousers (not included in kit)
• The jumpsuit is not black but from a VAM figure
• OG black jumpsuit is stored with the figure
• Addition of the orange belt + pistol + big weapon Driller Kit (+ flask ? + knife ?)
• Addition of orange goggles and hat.
• Addition of the beige belt and harness + ammo belt + brown M60
• On a World's Peacekeeper body
• Original green accented machine gun swapped for an orange one.
• 2x Harpoons are added + fishnet black shoulder bag
• All the missiles + 1x spare
• Adding the belt, the gun shoulder strap, the wrench.
• Addition of palms and knife from "Aqua Mission" (2002) and watch from 1994's "Scuba Diver"
GI Joe Double Duty. Addition of the binoculars, removal of the ice pick, the body strap, the face mask.
• Total Mission clothes (2003) + Arctic Mission (2001) (in bag) + Polar Mission Kit (2001) (in bag)
Arctic Surf Bike + Polar Extreme Kit kitbash (snowshoes from "Ice Mission" kit instead of original climbing-irons)
Addition of the vest
Addition of many elements
• Added the bag and 2x black hand grenades. Originally released in 1994 as GI Joe HOF.
• Addition of the stick / Initially released as GI Joe HOF in 1993
Initially released as GI Joe HOF Kit. Missing the 2x black hand grenades ?
• Combined the figure + the kit and added grenades and pistol + leg holster / removed the black P90 gun of the figure