• The mask rubber band has been replaced.
• Addition of the wrist watch (Ultra Corps)
• Retake photo with proper light
Frogman suit has been replaced with a more resistant full neoprene version
• Addition of the Green Beret Kit (released as AM in 1996 and in 1993 as GI Joe)
• Addition of the GI Joe stand
• Is it with original vintage box repro ?
• Addition of knife sheath brown strap and the ammo case
• Weaponry swap / Adding the black cap / Has only binoculars and compass (from the 1994 Outdoor Survival Kit) and a map, in backpack.
• This is my childhood original figure.
+ S.O.S. Kit (1998).
+ Medic Rescue Kit (1996 as AM, 1995 as GI Joe).
• Misses the machine gun of original kit --> Need to equip
• Weapon comes from the kit and not the action figure (black color instead of dark grey)
• Put the official dark grey weapon
• Addition of the bag + rifle + accessories (sleeping bag, etc).
• Removal of the original scope rifle (in favor of Sport Extreme climber)
• Replaced the harpoon with a blue one and completed with Swimmer Kit (1995) and knife from Lanard brand / Palms are from Mattel's KEN kit
• Addition of the sniper rifle, the map. Display stand (1996)
• Released with a painted and unpainted (fluo pink-orange) O² tank carrying vest. 2 versions in box.
SPAS shotgun is added as well as the wrist watch and glasses
• Changed the black sneakers for boots, added the chopped shotgun, the FN P90 and the handgun+holster
Addition of the snake around the neck and the knife in the boot
• Check if harness is still in good shape and not crispy / damaged