• Weapon comes from the kit and not the action figure (black color instead of dark grey)
• Put the official dark grey weapon
• Unofficial boots and added accessories. Body has normally bare hands not gloved ones.
• Put the official boots back
• Quad Assault (2002) / Battle Force (2005)
• One out of 4 missiles is broken at one end (needs replacement)
• Addition of one arrow and the double-bladed weapon that comes from kit.
• Is the concealed spring-loaded forearm dagger present ?
• Valor VS Venom collection. Addition of a machine gun and a denim jeans sleeveless vest, the harness is missing ( given to Duke Nukem )
• Check is harness is still in good shape and not crispy / damaged
• Addition of the helmet, binoculars, black gun, yellow rope, succion cup launcher, wrist watch