• One spare missile added in storage
• Changed the black sneakers for boots, added the chopped shotgun, the FN P90 and the handgun+holster
• Addition of the shirt from "Total Mission" kit (1997)
• Addition of the sniper rifle, the map. Display stand (1996)
• Bonus figure to "Gyro Copter"
• Bonus to Desert Buggy vehicle.
• Head was swapped to an AM sculpt with camo on.
GI Joe Double Duty. Addition of the binoculars, removal of the ice pick, the body strap, the face mask.
Arctic Surf Bike + Polar Extreme Kit kitbash (snowshoes from "Ice Mission" kit instead of original climbing-irons)
• It's a mix of the Driver Pilote (2002) (without helmet) + the complete speedster spy kit (1999)
• Addition of the "Ninja Set" kit
• From G.I. Joe "Double Duty" series. Replaced the original body with an AM one
• Addition of the black belt and sheath