• Addition of ski mask / backpack and dynamites + detonator / white glove (from Astronaut kit)
• There's a spare vest with undamaged logo inserted inside the box.
• Addition of the spy case-to-concealed-gun accessory. Not sure if the glasses are the right one (gold instead of silver ?)
• Bonus to Desert Buggy vehicle.
• Addition of palms and knife from "Aqua Mission" (2002) and watch from 1994's "Scuba Diver"
+ S.O.S. Kit (1998).
+ Medic Rescue Kit (1996 as AM, 1995 as GI Joe). Misses the machine gun of original kit
• The missile of the rocket launcher is missing.
• Swapped with a Duke camo HOF figure
• Addition of the grey gauntlet and knife
• Addition of grey/black missiles / helmet
• Not the original talking figure
• The electronic gauntlet is grey (V.R. Warrior) and not black
• Short black boots model is different
• Addition of the light grey P90 (Extreme Biker) and the beret
• Jumpsuit is not original and comes from Lanard Ultra Corps (as well as boots)
• Replaced the harpoon with a blue one and completed with Swimmer Kit (1995) and knife from Lanard brand / Palms are from Mattel's KEN kit
• Combined the figure + the kit and added grenades and pistol + leg holster / removed the black P90 gun of the figure
From Samurai vs Robot Dr. X. Added the red gun
Mixed the 2001 and 2002 version to better suit my taste. Added the pistol+holster (Max Steel) / Added the knife + sheath
Bonus figure of "Kart Extreme" / No tool / Added the motorcycle vest / Rapid Fire's machine gun / X-bladed axe
Bonus figure sold with Ultra Bike / Added the missile launcher (from GI Joe Roadblock 2004 figure)
Addition of the Squid from "Ocean Monster" kit (2001) and the "Swimmer Set" (1995)