• With "Warpaint Warrior" (1994) gloves and the bike from "Mountain Bike Extreme" (1999) - like pictured on back of the kit's card
• Addition of the spy case-to-concealed-gun accessory. Not sure if the glasses are the right one (gold instead of silver ?)
• Addition of the nunchaku and the 2x Snake Eyes shin guards.
• Addition of the shovel and yellow holster + pistol
• Jumpsuit is not original and comes from Lanard Ultra Corps (as well as boots)
GI Joe Timeless Collection
• Addition of the camera, the harness+bungee rope, the headphones and the parabolic dish mic gun, binoculars, wrist watch. Have to check if the sliding line is still in the case
• The jumpsuit is not black but from a VAM figure
• OG black jumpsuit is stored with the figure
• The Adventures of GI Joe
• Addition of Action Man "Mission System" kit MS 1.2
• Addition of an Action Man red harness
• The watch comes from Ultra Corps
• Addition of the ski mask, the forearm black guard (Ninja Kick figure) and one spare matte gold sword.
• Concealed dagger is added (from Crimson Warrior)
• Second (spare) unit of 2-parts "stick-to-nunchakus" weapon
• Are the trousers the right one ? Here it's the same as Airport Police kit, maybe it's the Samouraï from 1995.
• Addition of the Ninja Set (1997) kit weapons + a black belt.
• Combined the figure + the kit and added grenades and pistol + leg holster / removed the black P90 gun of the figure