Space Commando

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 11

Operation S.O.S.

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Figure, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1995, 🟣 1996, 🟣 1997, 🟣 1998, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 01

Space Commando

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 1994, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 03

Sahara Mission+Total Mission

🔵 Custom kitbash, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02

Security Mission Kit

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Carded

Quad Assault + Battle Force

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟠 Vehicle, 🟣 2002, 🟣 2005, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Loose


🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02

Extreme Biker

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Pilots / Drivers, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 05

Jungle Mission

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02


🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Carded

Jungle Adventure / Tree Climber

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02

Net Trapper + Extreme Raft Kit +Jungle Bridge Kit

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Figure, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1999, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 10

Jungle Dart

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 10

Laser Mission

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Police / Urban Crimefighters, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 06

US Military Photographer

🔵 Custom kitbash, 🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 01

Recon Base Camp

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Carded

Desert Buggy Driver

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2001, 🟢 Desert, 🟢 Pilots / Drivers, 🟡 Boxed

Action Soldier

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2018, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Boxed

Duke (v5)

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Boxed


🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Boxed

Operation T.I.G.E.R.

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02

Jungle Explorer

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Vehicle, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Boxed

Equatorial survivor

🔵 Custom kitbash, 🟠 Figure, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02

Mouth of Doom mission

🔵 Custom kitbash, 🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02

Desert Storm Night Attack

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2001, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 01

Night Owl

🔵 Power Team Elite - World Peacekeepers, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Undercover agents / Spies, 🟡 Boxed

Operation T.A.R.G.E.T.

🔵 Official AM mod, 🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Boxed

Space Set

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Carded

Mortar Combat

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Boxed

Undercover Agent

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Undercover agents / Spies, 🟡 Boxed

Moon Raker / Space Explorer

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟠 Vehicle, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Boxed

Jet Pilot

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Boxed

Secret of the Mummy’s Tomb

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2001, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Boxed

Redwolf Falcon Master

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2006, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Boxed

Jungle Mission

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Carded

Recon Base Camp

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Carded

Jungle bridge Kit

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Carded

Jungle Adventure

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Carded

Street Commander

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 01

You Only Live Twice

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2000, 🟢 007, 🟡 Boxed

The World is not Enough

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2000, 🟢 007, 🟡 Boxed

Long Range Sniper

🔵 Custom kitbash, 🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2002, 🟢 Military, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 01

Operation : Midnight Recon

🔵 Custom kitbash, 🔵 G.I. Joe, 🔵 Lanard Ultra Corps, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Undercover agents / Spies, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 04

Special Agent

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Undercover agents / Spies, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 04

Jungle Shield

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2001, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 03

Space Mission

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 03

Space 2020

🔵 Official AM mod, 🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1999, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Spec Ops, 📍 BOX 03


🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 03

Jet Pilot + Space Accessory

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 03

Aliens vs. Corp. Hicks

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 1997, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Boxed

GI Joe Double Duty Tiger Hawk

🔵 G.I. Joe, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2001, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Boxed

Metal Detector

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2001, 🟢 Spec Ops, 🟡 Boxed

Jungle Explorer Pilot + Special force kit

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Figure, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 1999, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟢 Pilots / Drivers, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02

Mission Amazone

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2001, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Boxed

Falcon Master

🔵 Official AM strict, 🟠 Figure, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Boxed

Crocodile Ranger

🔵 Official AM mod, 🟠 Kit, 🟣 2000, 🟢 Jungle / Adventure, 🟡 Loose, 📍 BOX 02